Tuesday, November 25, 2008

ok really fast..... i dont know how to do my pictures where they need to go, but at least i put something up!!!!! So on friday Randy graduated from the fire acadamy it was such a good ceremony! Our family was so happy for him because he has known he wanted to do this for almost 5 yrs and he did it!!! Good job Randy WE LOVE YOU!!!! So cherise i posted these pics for u because i know u wanted to be there but couldnt. After the grad we went to some lobster place w/ the family and ate lunch. They had pool tables so me and darren had to kick randy and bretts A@@. Ok not really, we shot the ball everywhere but in the pockets, but we didnt need to worry because we knew that brett would scratch trying to hit the 8 ball in!!! yep everytime we had all our balls on the table...... brett would scratch. We won everygame but 1 i think!! It was just ike in aunt bettys basement but no scarey ghosts!!!!!

And i put the picture of me and cherise in synchronized swimming up too just because we thought we were the bomb!!!!! Can anyone guess where we are? those were good times!!! i really miss u sister!!!! Cherise we are still the bomb!!!!! We should do a reunion routine!!! ha ha


Carol Swift said...

Mindy, you cute thing! I love seeing your pictures--you'll get the hang of where to put them. Missy and Cherise are pros at doing the blogging stuff, so I'm sure they'll give you instructions. If they won't because they want to be mean, I'll help you. :o) Tracey, she's a Benson, and Lindsay, she's a Miranda, both have blogs so check them out from my blog. I'm going be a "Follower" of you now, so you better keep this blog up-to-date. :o)

Kathleen Mecham said...

Ha Ha. I have my own blog, Now I can post all of my pool party photos, including the one with C in his hat, Darrin in the inner-tube, and maybe the one of Mom going down the slide.

Carol Swift said...

Mindy, you're getting behind in your blogging. Even Kim is posting more than you are! Come on! Are you going to let him beat you at blogging? Where's that brother-sister competition thing!! :o)